Token's Mane
Token's Sweet Destiny Memorial Page
This page is dedicated to our first yorkie Desi. She was born on September the 7th,2005. Her life was taken from us on September the 9th,2006. We live in the country so our dogs could run and play, and just be dogs. Desi loved to be along by our sides when we were outside working in the yard, doing chores. She would teach her smaller sisters and brothers how to dig up moles, and chase squirrels, bark at strangers, always keeping an eye on us to make sure we were ok. She felt safe in her fenced in yard, with us just a few feet away. But because of what they call progress, all these new homes being built, our small country has become crowded. All our beautiful trees and woods are being cleared for bigger and bigger homes. Now all the wild creatures Desi used to run and chase and look back at us to see if we saw what she was doing, now are chasing her. Who would have thought that on a beautiful summer night, just after sunset, when it's nice and cool and she is running and playing, I was doing yard stuff just across the yard, that it could all end, just in the blink of an eye, Our Desi is gone.
Well because of all these new homes, the creatures living here don't have their usual food source, the rabbits, moles, mice etc. So now Desi and her sisters and brothers are now the new food source. We are not sure what got Desi, if it was an owl or red tail hawk, just all of a sudden our Desi was gone. It was unlike her to wander far from us, we called and called for her, we got that sickening feeling in the pit of our stomaches when she didn't come running as usual, our calls turned to panicking yells.
I don't know what drew us to the small patch of trees seperating our yard from our neighbors, but when I got to the fence and shined my light on the other side, my heart just shattered, coz their on the other side was our Desi, laying motionless. I knew something wasn't right, I jumped the fence and grabbed her, but their was no life there. She had two puncture wounds just below her rib cage where some owl we think tried to grab her but she was a little to heavy and dropped her just on the other side of the fence. There was nothing we could do, it had punctured her heart and she had bled to death.
I never thought anything like this would happen in our peaceful country home. I know Desi died protecting her smaller sister, Gracie. Desi was and is our hero. It is very quiet and lonely here without our Desi. Her younger sister still looks for her.
Since that night we have noticed the large birds alot. During the daylight hours the Red Tail Hawks prey on our dogs and at night, the Barred Owls prey on them. We cannot let them out to run and play anymore. They have to go out into a covered pen. We are scared to let them run out the door, coz these big birds can swoop them up in the blink of an eye. Our peaceful country life has become a war zone for our pets because of progress!!